Allocation analysis: Attaching customers to facilities

Allocates a set of demand points (Customers) to user specified number of supply points (Facilities) out of a Facilities point dataset based on the Euclidian distance between the Customers and Facilities.

Taxing the sun?. Yes, in Spain this seems to be possible.

Absolutely ashamed by my government’s insane policies on this regards, Spain is now (…) attempting to scale back the use of solar panels – the use of which they have encouraged and subsidized over the last decade – by imposing a tax on those who use the panels. The intention is clearly to scare taxpayersContinue reading “Taxing the sun?. Yes, in Spain this seems to be possible.”

DTM from SRTM? Let’s compare sources using RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and a gaussian kernell density map

I guess we all can make a DTM out of many sources but SRTM is one of the most common ones, right?. Then let’s learn from this very simple approach how close we are from the SRTM raw data. Selecting a not very big representative area to be able to handle it, exporting raster to polygon (fromContinue reading “DTM from SRTM? Let’s compare sources using RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and a gaussian kernell density map”