Taxing the sun?. Yes, in Spain this seems to be possible.

Absolutely ashamed by my government’s insane policies on this regards, Spain is now (…) attempting to scale back the use of solar panels – the use of which they have encouraged and subsidized over the last decade – by imposing a tax on those who use the panels. The intention is clearly to scare taxpayersContinue reading “Taxing the sun?. Yes, in Spain this seems to be possible.”

Solar + Shadows analysis on Rue Massillon, Nantes (France)

This is the beautiful building in from of my house in Nantes… Let’s model it first using Sketchup. Also i have used a non standard style only for visualization purposes… If we have the North behind us this means we are going to have a lot of light… but so far we are just guessing… Now weContinue reading “Solar + Shadows analysis on Rue Massillon, Nantes (France)”

On va nous déménager alors… Analyse solaire !

Ma copine et moi on va nous déménager très bientôt alors il faut faire une analyse solaire. Nantes, la ville ou on habite est connue dans le monde entier pour ses niveaux de pluie, n’importe que ce soit été, printemps… meme si France Météo a dit qu’il va faire BEAU… A Nantes ça ne marcheContinue reading “On va nous déménager alors… Analyse solaire !”